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Articles, Book Reviews, and Podcasts! Oh my! (2022)

Welp. Here are the reams of stuff I've written and spoken the last year, but was too busy to add to my website... Mea culpa!

It was a privilege to be one of four participants in the Online Library of Liberty's Black History Month Roundtable, called "What Liberty Has to Say to Black History". We each wrote an initial essay, and then a response to one another's essays.

Marcus and I presented on the book at the Cato Institute which was then broadcast on C-SPAN in July and is streaming there.

We appeared on Matt Kibbe’s Kibbe on Liberty which broadcasts on Blaze TV and streams on YouTube and as a podcast.

We also spoke at the Institute on Religion and Democracy and I appeared on the Atlas Society’s podcast.

After being published in National Review with “Black Gun Rights Matter” in the April 18 print version of NR, I was asked to respond to a letter to the editor, and to review The State of Black America for them as well. My review, “The Path to Black Flourishing” came out in the August 15 print version. National Review has published two ‘shout-outs’ on the book based on positive reviews by Law & Liberty as well as AIER authors. In June, George Leef published “A Great Counter to the ‘Institutional Racism!’ Cries”, recommending the book to NR’s readers.

At Acton Power Blog, I published:

"Jesus and Political Discipleship" (a review of Political Gospel by Patrick Schreiner)

At Religion and Liberty, a few longer-form pieces:

And "Thinking About Race Anew" (a review of Race and Justice in America by Schmiessing and Hernandez).

Marcus and I were interviewed for the Mercatus Center’s Program on Pluralism and Civil Exchange: “Classical Liberalism and Racial Justice.” We did the Cato Institute’s Free Thoughts podcast with Trevor Burrus. I also appeared on Fe Y Libertad podcast in Guatemala, David French’s Good Faith podcast, and Kira Davis’s JLTY podcast. The Institute for Faith, Work, and Economics turned their interview with her into a series: Part 1: A Christian Perspective on African-American History, and Part 2: A Richer View of Human Flourishing For All. One of the most fun podcasts I did all year was for The Great Antidote, where Juliette Sellgren (the daughter of Veronique deRugy) hosts conversations specifically aimed at young people.

At the Christian Post, I wrote an explainer dealing with the origins of Black American Antisemitism, explained that global inequality is actually going down, and disagreed with Jemar Tisby on the economics of systemic racism.

At Discourse Magazine, I published regularly:

"Taking the Long View of Black History" (with my co-author, Marcus Witcher, for Black History Month)

"The Activism of Booker T. Washington" (with my co-author, Marcus Witcher, for Washington's birthday)

I also hosted the Acton Institute's panel on Neighborhood Stabilization for its annual Poverty Cure Summit, which you can listen to as a podcast. This was especially exciting, as I got to know Justin Beene and his place-based model of for- and non-profit cooperation in Grand Rapids. Another huge highlight of the year was hosting and participating in the panels at Ian Rowe's FREE Forum in Chicago. I'm not sure if this panel will be posted publicly, but getting to discuss effective poverty alleviation with people like Rowe and Pastor Corey Brooks was absolutely outstanding. I reviewed Rowe's book, Agency, for the Russell Kirk Center.


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